Back from the Western Fed. Watercolor Show

I was one of three artists from the Utah Watercolor Society that was juried into the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies’49th Annual Exhibition. It was great to make the trip to Phoenix and spend time with the other artists.

Here is my painting “Hyrum” hanging behind the band that played at the awards ceremony. It is good to see a show and look at the original art. There is a lot more to see and learn when you see the paintings in person. You can see the hand of the artist.

We were also able to go to Taliesin West and see the school and home created by Frank Lloyd Wright started in his 70’s. Everywhere you looked you could see the hand of the artist. There was good design in every angle and detail and natural material in the buildings. It was a great place to get inspired. It is important as an artist to fill up your creative cup. This was a good place to do that. What do you do to fill your creative cup?

Utah Watercolor Society

Western Federation of Watercolor Societies

About Sherry Meidell

Sherry Meidell is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society Western Federation Watercolor Society and the Utah Watercolor Society. She loves to paint with watercolor whether she is painting pictures or illustrating children's picture books. She is a member of SCBWI. Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
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4 Responses to Back from the Western Fed. Watercolor Show

  1. Carolyn Mortimer says:

    Love the picture of Hyrum, love how his characteristics and personality shows.

  2. Rosanne Schulthies says:

    Dear Sherry,    This is a former student, Rosanne Schulthies. I have really been enjoying your emails. Thank you so much for them. I just finally graduated from BYU this past week, and then my husband and I had to speak in church last Sunday. Life has been crazy. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. But I am looking forward to getting back into watercolor and other art forms as well. I hope there’s still time to get good at a few things with the productive time I have left in this life. This email inspired me to go onto the BDAC website and look at what classes will be available in the near future. I hope you will still be teaching there.      Thanks for your good example.Regards,Rosanne

    • Rosanne, so good to hear from you and congratulations on graduating. Life is crazy most of the time. But it’s good to make that creative time in your life. Practice makes you better and better. Carry that sketch book around with you and you’ll always find some time to sketch. I am teaching in the fall at BDAC but I think you can sign up for the class now. It fills up quick so something to hop on soon. And yes we all have enough productive time in our lives to get better. I always count on it.

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