An Illustrators Workshop

They wanted a small intimate group for this workshop. They were all interested in illustrating children’s picture books and wanted to know more about how I approach illustrating. It was also a group of friends. We were able to stay in beautiful St George and provided with a wonderful spread of food each day. It was so nice to see the ladies dive in and start working on their story boards and character designs. The above illustration is from a picture book I’m working on. I jump back and forth from story board, to story rewrite, to character studies. All of the steps help with the other steps. It’s is like solving the greatest puzzle, to decide which words go where on which page and how to best illustrate the words. How do you illustrate more than the words. How to make the pictures and the words combine and work together. The picture of the group was taken by a kind electrician passing through.

Someone asked what I wanted to share in the workshop. I said to entertain, educate, and to inspire the people who participated. Hopefully I accomplished that. At least this group of ladies were really into it.

Do you have enough time to learn something new in your life? No reason not to.

About Sherry Meidell

Sherry Meidell is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society Western Federation Watercolor Society and the Utah Watercolor Society. She loves to paint with watercolor whether she is painting pictures or illustrating children's picture books. She is a member of SCBWI. Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
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4 Responses to An Illustrators Workshop

  1. Shari Cannon says:

    Sherry I owe you so much for the wonderful instruction and encouragement we received from you! It was a wonderful group and we laughed every day! I now have my husband investigating the iPadPro🥰. Thank you THANK YOU🙂💕

  2. S. K. Wenger says:

    wow! What a lucky group to learn from you. Hope I can attend the next one.

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